The Unseen Strength of Women: A Priceless Contribution

A woman’s participation, whether in family care or the economic structure of society, is extremely important. Many times, domestic work is undervalued, although the SBI report clearly states that if women were paid for their unpaid work, it would account for almost 75% of India’s GDP.

This is not just the situation in India; the United Nations report also suggests that if women across the world were compensated for their domestic work, it would contribute 10 to 49 per cent of their countries’ GDP. This shows how much women contribute to the domestic and social framework.

Women’s contributions, especially in domestic work, are immeasurable and cannot be assigned an economic value. However, it becomes essential to reflect this in the GDP contribution because it is a solid reality that has been ignored so far. While society is gradually changing, certain taboos, such as the belief that “breadwinners” are only men, have not yet fully disappeared.

Therefore, it is important that we recognize women’s work not only at the family level but also at the economic and social levels, and respect their contributions.

In society, the responsibility of shaping the future generation often lies more heavily on women, even though parents share equal responsibility. Women, by virtue of spending more time at home, play a significant role in this. It’s vital to recognize that the effort women put into raising families, though often unnoticed, is invaluable.

Many women manage both household duties and careers, but societal expectations sometimes place undue pressure on them to prioritize family over work. People might dismiss a homemaker’s contribution as being without financial value, yet the reality is far from it. A woman managing her home not only supports her family but contributes to society in immeasurable ways. Historically, women like our grandmothers held empowering positions within the family, commanding respect and authority that was unchallenged by anyone—whether young or old, male or female.

The choices women make are often guided by their love for their families. Despite the pressures of balancing work and family, women continue to provide emotional and logistical support to their households. While men might prioritize their jobs, women frequently sacrifice professional ambitions to ensure the family’s well-being, a reality that is often overlooked.

From those working in corporate offices to women laboring in fields or doing domestic work, they all manage to juggle multiple roles. The emotional support women provide is immense, shaping the strength of future generations.

The debate about whether a woman’s contribution can be measured in monetary terms is futile. Women waking up at 4 a.m. to manage both home and work are nothing short of superhuman. Their contribution to society, economy, and family is often underestimated because it’s difficult to put a price on the emotional and logistical support they provide.

The emotional support from women forms the backbone of many families. Women often bear the larger share of family sacrifices, leaving their careers to maintain the household, even though they too deserve the opportunity for professional fulfillment.

Finally, while women continue to balance these roles, the broader issue is their empowerment. Without financial and moral independence, women often remain bound to traditional roles. Full empowerment means allowing women the freedom to make decisions—whether about their children’s education or their careers—without societal restrictions.

While emotional and physical contributions from women are priceless, there is still much to be done to ensure that women are empowered equally, both at home and in the workplace. Women are not only biologically capable of giving birth but are also the emotional anchors of society, shaping future generations in ways that are often invisible yet deeply impactful.

In conclusion, a woman’s contribution goes beyond what we can quantify, as they shape not just their families but society at large. It’s time to acknowledge their full value and ensure they have the independence and support to thrive, both emotionally and financially.

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